LA COLLINA – Social Firm
Since 1988, “La Collina Società Cooperativa Sociale ONLUS” has been trying to create and offer job opportunities to people otherwise excluded from the labour market, because of their vulnerability. Their fragility could be linked to psychiatric diseases, physical feebleness, drug addiction or legal problems. La Collina works in the public as well as in the private market in all the Friuli – Venezia – Giulia region.
It is a no-profit social cooperative, with the mission of offering the best quality services, tailored to customer’s needs, and, in the meantime, create job opportunities for “disadvantaged” people, otherwise cut off from the job market. The keywords are social inclusion and the emancipation of disadvantaged people.
To do this, we offer the following services:
- Cultural services for Museums, libraries, theatres, archives, the cataloging of historical and current documents, and digitalization of documents.
- Administrative services for private and public entities such as complex administrative offices, front and back-office services.
- Creativity and communication services: marketing communication services such as press offices, graphics, and web design, events organization, etc. In addition, we offer traditional and digital radio services, we design and organize training activities and creative workshops and web design training for children, teenagers, and young adults. We provide training for social professionals, educators, and teachers of the primary and secondary schools.
- Tourist reception services: La Collina manages 5 restaurants and 1 Hotel, employing disadvantaged people, on the basis of a social inclusion project in the private market.
- Welfare community projects – The Habitat Microarea project tries to deal with the social determinants of health and to reduce social inequality in little suburb areas.

Our partners

The Trieste Mental Health Department (MHD)
Trieste Mental Health Department (MHD) [Dipartimento di Salute Mentale (DSM)] is a public, community-based mental healthcare service of the Trieste Local Healthcare Agency [L’Azienda per I Servizi Sanitari n.1 Triestina (ASS n.1)], which aims to provide resources and encourage community-based health care services. MHD is responsible for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of people with mental disorders within the local population. It focuses on the elimination of discrimination, stigma and exclusion, as well as the promotion of full and complete rights of citizenship for people with mental illnesses. Recognised for years as one of the most advanced public mental healthcare services in the world, Trieste MHD continues to remain a leader in innovative approaches to mental healthcare aimed at the emancipation and social reintegration of persons suffering from mental disorders.
The MHD has been reconfirmed by WHO as a Collaborating Centre (CC) for Research and Training in Mental Health for the next 4 years.
CoPerSaMM – Conferenza Per la Salute Mentale nel Mondo Franco Basaglia
The Conference is a no-profit agency founded in Triest in May 2010. Its founders are: Franco Rotelli, Giovanna Del Giudice, Chiara Strutti. It provides advice and technical assistance to institutional entities involved in positive initiatives in the field of mental health. Its functions include:– initiating new advanced training courses for professionals involved in mental health policies;
– creating specialized teams to assist in transformation projects or service development;
– promoting exchanges aimed at increasing the visibility of experiences based on best practices.
A laboratory for developing a critic reflection on issues related to mental health, inclusion/exclusion, socio-health integration and sustainable human development through:
– research;
– establishing an archive of basic texts;
– publishing educational and informational texts;
– promoting a permanent debate in order to oppose reductionist ideologies.

Radio Fragola
“Radio Fragola” was born in Triest after the closure of the psychiatric hospitals in Italy achieved by Franco Basaglia in the late seventies. After 1984, officially Radio Fragola started its transmission from a building of the former psychiatric hospital, in “Parco di San Giovanni”, during the boom era of free pirate radios. Nowadays, the network includes a musical and journalistic schedule. Furthermore, it gives voice to citizens, associations, movements, workers union and institutions. A special attention is given to mental health. Its keywords are:1. fight against stigma
2. social inclusion
3. social cooperation
“Radio Fragola” was born in Triest after the closure of the psychiatric hospitals in Italy achieved by Franco Basaglia in the late seventies. After 1984, officially Radio Fragola started its transmission from a building of the former psychiatric hospital, in “Parco di San Giovanni”, during the boom era of free pirate radios. Nowadays, the network includes a musical and journalistic schedule. Furthermore, it gives voice to citizens, associations, movements, workers union and institutions. A special attention is given to mental health. Its keywords are:

Il Posto delle Fragole – Bar and Restaurant
The bar – restaurant Il Posto delle Fragole is the perfect place to have a nice lunch, dinner or break thanks to its welcoming structure without architectural barriers inside the Park of San Giovanni. Free wifi, a projection room for presentations and small conferences, as well as the bookshop focused on mental health and Basaglia revolution are some features that makes the place perfect for workshops, meetings, innovative events, while offering the opportunity to try some dishes or local and international wines.
The near green areas and one of the biggest Rose Garden in Europe, creates the ideal setting for your fotos. We can create custom menus for every type of event: from christenings to weddings, or degrees parties, family lunches, work dinners or cocktails and brunches with friends.
Lister – Sartoria Sociale
Over one hundred years ago, one of Europe's largest lunatic asylums was built on the San Giovanni hill in Trieste. In 1978, on that same hill, Franco Basaglia overthrew the institution as such by pulling down the building's gates. One no longer talks about the former Provincial Mental Hospital but rather of the Cultural Park of San Giovanni. It is here, in a spacious saloon on the ground floor of M-Ward that Lister Sartoria Sociale is situated. We run dressmaking, knitting and decoration activities in our workshop characterised by the use of only recycled materials. This is a place where, day by day, there is effective and close collaboration between the social and healthcare services (Mental Health Department, Substance Dependency Service, Social Cooperatives, the Municipality) in an attempt to identify and elaborate proposals and solutions in the areas of employment, artistic expression and social relations. In addition to normal production, consisting inrepairs and made-to-order tailoring, this social tailor's shop interprets textile artefacts in relation to the urban habitat, retracing its socio-economic transformations, its memoires, and re-elaborating codes, styles and materials. Abandoned, poor or anonymous objects and clothes (jeans, old sweaters, umbrellas, ties ..) are dismantled and reassembled as pieces of cloth and balls of thread that are knitted intersecting experimentation and traditional techniques. Other sectors include professional development and creating workshops for environmental education. Not simple work places but open, flexible, poly-functional spaces: a kind of bazaar.

Agricola Monte San Pantaleone
Agricola Monte San Pantaleone is a social cooperative that operates as a buliding company, taking care of urban green spaces as well as naturalistic engineering, in the private as well as in the the public market of Trieste area.
Since 1995, the cooperative has specialized in historical parks gardening. From 2000 - 2003 it took care of the principal gardens of the city, and, naturally, it has always been the protagounist of San Giovanni Park renewal.
In the last years the cooperative has taken public utility jobs, employing over 50 and young long term unemployed people, in addition to disadvantaged people from MHC.
In the last 10 years they have promoted some high quality events such as Horti Tergestini (an exhibition and market of rare flowers) and "Rose, Libri, Musica e Vino” (a cultural event in the Rosegarden of San Giovanni, about science, culture, social firms and enterpreneurship).
CLU Cooperativa Sociale Lavoratori Uniti Franco Basaglia – Società Cooperativa ONLUS
CLU was founded on the 16th december 1972 in the psychiatric hospital of Triest,. Its founders, men and woman interned, until that moment, had been cleaning and taking care of the laundry of the aslyum for free, in the name of ergotherapy, without the possibility of going out. This was a milestone in the process of liberation and the regaining of citizenship rights. Since 1972 their mission has become the full acknowledgement of their work, the inclusion of fragile people, and social mutuality. They express this mission in several sectors, aiming at job placement for disadvantaged people. The main services are: sanitation, green economy, logistic, construction, bindery, restaurants and welfare services.

Samarcanda – no profit amateur sport association
Samarcanda was founded in June 2013 by volunteers and people with experience on mental health. Funded and supported by the social cooperative, the association was initially a football team of La Collina employers, but after it has opened to everyone. In a few years, the number of its volunteers grew up (mostly sent by the Mental Health Services), because of the positive atmosphere. The association participates at several local, national and international tournaments (Japan), in collaboration with the other sport associations. Moreover it is multicultural, with players from all over the world. It is acknowledged as a "good practice", it improves the social and physical determinants of health playing football, reconnecting people otherwise emarginated with social activities.